Mr Driss El Yazami, President of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), has taken part to the official launching of the 15th edition of the Summer University for Young Moroccans Living Abroad, which is organised by the Moroccan expatriates section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, and held from 6 to 14 July 2024, in Tangier.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the summer university, Mr El Yazmi pointed out to the young people in attendance that they are part of a pluralistic country that has a long history and a deep-rooted monarchy, and whose migration has taken place over more than a century, unlike the generally accepted idea in the countries where they live.

The CCME President outlined the most important phases in the history of Moroccan migration, which began in the mid-19th century with the enlistment of thousands of Moroccans – mainly from the Souss region – in the First World War to fight alongside the French army to free France from occupation and work in the fields and factories of France. He also emphasised the contribution of Moroccan migrants in shaping Moroccan culture during the 20th century, whether in terms of cinema, literature or music, and their contribution to Moroccan political life.

He added that, given the competitive strategies being pursued by European countries to attract human resources, the Kingdom of Morocco also needs to capitalise on the expertise of its diaspora.

He stressed that Morocco had been one of the first countries to develop a policy aimed at its community abroad, adding that this particularity explained the strong relationship that Moroccans maintain with their country of residence, as well as the deep-rootedness and full integration of Moroccans in their country of residence.

In this regard, he recalled the constitutional chapters dealing with Moroccans in the 2011 Constitution, in particular Article 16, which refers to this dual dynamic and stipulates that the State ” is committed to strengthening their contribution to developing their homeland, Morocco, and to strengthening the bonds of friendship and cooperation with the governments and societies of the countries where they live…”.

Mr El Yazami then told the young participants at the summer university that “the great social challenge facing you and us is to make the Moroccan community abroad a bridge of friendship, cooperation, tolerance and the development of human rights values”.

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