The 2014 Morocco Trade and Investment Forum will take place on Thursday, Oct. 16 at the Fairmont Dallas Hotel. The event will be an exciting opportunity to discuss the benefits of working with Morocco, considering its geostrategic location making it a business portal to Africa and Europe. DRC President & CEO Dale Petroskey will join Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, His Excellency Rachad Bouhlal, and The Honorable Dwight L. Bush Sr. for the opening remarks.

A number of esteemed figures will give out speeches including

  • His Excellency Moulay Hafid Elalamy, Minister of Industry, Trade, Investment and the Digital Economy, Kingdom of Morocco
  • Miriem Bensalah-Chaqroun, CEO, Holmarcom Group, President of the General Confederation of Moroccan Companies
  • Pamela H. Patsley, Chairman & CEO, MoneyGram International, Inc.
  • Amina Benkhadra, CEO, Office of National Hydrocarbons and Mining
  • His Excellency Rachad Bouhlal, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to the U.S.
  • The Honorable Dwight L. Bush, Sr.,S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco

Breakout sessions are also scheduled and will be covering Morocco’s energy sector, infrastructure and logistics, finance as well as aeronautics and manufacturing. Corporate participants will also be offered the opportunity to have a 10-minute, private meeting with the ambassadors to discuss potential business opportunities.

 With the Dallas regional chamber (DRC).

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