His Majesty King Mohammed VI, accompanied by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, chaired a Council of Ministers on Wednesday 13 July 2022 at the Royal Palace in Rabat, during which two framework legislation bills were adopted, including a framework bill submitted by the Minister of Health and Social Protection on the national healthcare system, which was designed, in accordance with the High Royal Instructions, to review the national healthcare system and ensure that it is in line with the generalization of the social protection system ordered by the King.

The enhancement of human resources is one of the four main foundations of this reform plan. The framework bill adopted by the Council of the Ministers includes : opening up to foreign healthcare professionals and incentivizing Moroccan healthcare personnel living abroad to contribute to this national effort as key pillars of the development of the country’s human resources.

In this regard, the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) notes the contents of the framework bill, in particular regarding the measure of outreach to Moroccans living abroad and their involvement in this major project of development initiated by His Majesty the King. The Council calls on Moroccan healthcare professionals living abroad for their active contribution to making this structuring project a successful one for the benefit of their home country.


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