The Council of the Moroccan Community -Living- Abroad (CCME) and the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic are organizing, October 21st 2022, in Benguerir, a scientific conference on “Water Governance and shortage Management: Challenges and Priorities”, focusing especially on the Moroccan skills abroad.
The conference will discuss such issues that contribute effectively and scientifically to the debate, identify the priorities and offer practical responses to water shortage, including ” development policies and water supplies “, ” water governance “, and ” the use of non-conventional water “, in order to guarantee a secure supply of drinking water.
The meeting will also address the reinforcement of capacities as well as investment in communication, awareness building, academic research and training in these fields, focusing on the needs to achieve water fairness, rights and social aspects associated with alternative solutions to water shortage and climate change.
September 17 2022, the CCME held a consultative meeting with Moroccan experts -living abroad- in the areas of water, and climate change as well as alternative energies, dealing with good governance in the field of water management.