The President of the Council for the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), Mr Driss El Yazami, will be taking part in the 30th anniversary of the Orient-Occident Foundation in Rabat on Thursday 23 May 2024. The Foundation is a Moroccan non-profit organization founded in 1994 and granted public interest status in 1996.
The programme includes the screening of the film “L’Appel”, a feature documentary by the Foundation about the ” difficult journey of migrants “, and a debate on the issue of migration, led by Driss El Yazami, François Reybet-Degat, the Director of the Foundation and the Director of the Foundation. Mr Driss El Yazami, Mr François Reybet-Degat, representative of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Morocco, Ms Laura Palatini, Head of Mission of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), Mr Mehdi Alioua, Dean of the Institute of Political Studies of the International University of Rabat and Ms Bangadoumngar Yamta, President of the association Voix des femmes.
Intended from the very outset as a bridge between the two shores of the Mediterranean, the Fondation Orient-Occident’s mission is to meet migrants, refugees and underprivileged young people and promote their employability by creating socio-educative and professional training centres. The Fondation Orient-Occident is also dedicated to protecting and promoting the diversity and value of every culture.