Driss El Yazami, President of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad, is the special guest of the “Club of Journalists Accredited to Morocco” for a “carte blanche” discussion on the theme “Moroccans around the World Facing New Changes and Challenges”, to be held in Rabat on 25 June 2004.

The organisers say: “this meeting coincides with the beginning of the homecoming of Moroccans living abroad and is intended to address a range of issues and emerging problems affecting them, particularly the transformations and the challenges faced by the diaspora”.

The “Carte Blanche”, which is similar to a visa, is given to the guest, giving him or her the opportunity to speak in his or her field of expertise, the organisers add.

The meeting will take place from 5pm until 7pm at the Hiba Foundation’s “La Scène” café in Rabat.

CJAM Texte Visuel Fr Juin 20241


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