Judges, lawyers, academics and activists from Morocco and Denmark will convene on the upcoming 4th and 5th December in Copenhagen, for a fresh perspective on the issue of gender with a particular focus on ways to increase access to Moroccan female immigrants to justice.
The conference is, according to its initiators, “the result of a partnership project between the two countries on strengthening women’s rights and access to justice and has been in place since 2007 by the Ministry of justice and a Danish center specializing in gender issues.”
The focus will be on “the situation of the woman who sometimes find themselves” torn “between traditional, national and transnational laws and practices and how these difficulties are lived in Denmark and other European countries,” says a statement from the Danish Centre for research and Information on Gender, equality and Diversity (KVINFO).
Initiated in partnership also with the University of Copenhagen, this meeting will be attended by two Moroccan judges who will focus on the provisions of the Moudawana in particular with regard to marriage and divorce, as well as reconciliation and mediation procedures.
The next debate in the Danish capital follows last year’s conference in Rabat on the implementation of the new family code in Morocco.