Famed French author Michel Houellebecq’s new book “Soumission” or submission will hit bookstores on Wednesday but has already generated uproar prior to its publication.
The new book by Houellebecq deals with a fictionnal Muslim Brotherhood party in France winning the 2022 presidential election, an Islamic government in power in France, veiled women, polygamy becoming lawful and the Sorbonne renamed Paris-Sorbonne Islamic University.
“I can’t say the book is a provocation – if that means saying things I consider fundamentally untrue just to get on people’s nerves” said Houellebecq in an interview to Paris Review, as he admits the scenario he described in the book is not very realistic.
Nevertheless, the novel has already fuelled a lively debate in France — home to Europe’s largest Muslim population and where the FN has recently enjoyed huge electoral success.
French President François Hollande called on the French people to not react with fear and to defend the “values” of the “Republic” and the French “social model” despite the current climate of doubt.
“Soumission” – “Submission”- is the sixth novel by Houellebecq, who won the Goncourt Prize in 2010 – France’s highest literary honour. /With AFP