For the second day of the Casablanca Book Fair, the pavilion of the CCME hosted a conference under the theme: “Charlie Hebdo or the ordeals of Islam in France”
A hot topic indeed was the conference moderated by El Mjid Guerrab, communications adviser and attended by Messrs. Razzy Hammadi, French deputy in Toulon and François Burgat, political scientist and director of research at the Institute for Research and Studies on the Arab and Muslim world (IREMAM) in Aix-en-Provence.
In response to the questioning, “To be Charlie or not?”, François Burgat said to have been so for a few hours before finding the exploitation of this position, he denounced the hexagonal and selective reading of the facts where the double standards have largely prevailed.
He also dismissed the appeal to sympathize with the editorial line of Charlie Weekly that turns caricature into a license to hate and destroy the beliefs of others.
Therefore, he speaks of a wobbly table with a quite short Muslim foot and holds responsible the French foreign policy in the identity crises that shake today’s France.
For its part, Razzy Hammadi says loudly: “I’m Charlie,” more in regards to the barbarity of the acts rather than of sympathy for the editorial line of the newspaper, in fact, such was the essence of this slogan which later took up different interpretations.
He also testifies from his own experience, that Islam is now part of France and condemns media perversion that characterizes the coverage of such events.
Moreover, he called on the Mediterranean countries to cooperate and work for the respect of others.
The positions of the two guests are complementary although they do not agree on what we must give primacy to in order to explain the events of January the 11th.
While François favors the geostrategic aspect and international politics as what triggered the case, Mr.Razzi believes that we need to go back to the French profiles of these young people who embrace the ideals of Islamist movements and firmly states that the psychological weakness feeds fanaticism.