Muslims and representatives of different religions, political beliefs and dogmas in Belgium met on Monday in Brussels, around an Iftar under the sign of sharing, dialogue and living together.
The Iftar organized jointly by the European Council of Moroccan Ulema (CEOM) and the Rally of Muslims in Belgium, welcomes every year representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Belgium, parliamentarians, mayors of municipalities of Brussels and presidents of associations for worship in Belgium
Through this time, ‘we reiterate our commitment to a religious tradition open to both the spirit of religion and the spirit of the time, a tradition that promotes religious models rooted in tolerance and acceptance of the other, ” said the president of the Board of the CEOM, Khalid Hajji.
It is also an unwavering commitment to the values ‘that allow us to continue to live together despite our differences, these values also enable us to stand together against blind terrorism in the name of religion and which allows the killing of innocent people, to trample human dignity, and demolish the foundations of human existence on earth, ” he added.
He further took the opportunity to ‘launch a solemn appeal to the political and intellectual elites, religious dignitaries, decision makers in European societies so that they warn against the slide into extremist policy as a way to combat religious extremism. ”
For Echallaoui Salah, President of the Rally of Muslims in Belgium, the month of Ramadan is an opportunity to stress that the Muslim community has shown its clear ability to enroll in a plural society where Belgian Catholics, Protestants, Jewish, Anglicans, Muslims, Orthodox, free thinkers, Buddhists and many others coexist.
‘We are dedicated to the training of citizens aware of the world around them and committed to promote respect for human rights and justice and living in harmony with the various components of the Belgian society’ .
The Rally of Muslims in Belgium is set to organize interfaith trips to Morocco to draw on the local model of openness to the other and living together, hosting preachers and Koran reciters from Morocco to bring spiritual support to the Muslim community in Belgium during this holy month or by organizing symposia on ‘the living together and the common core of humanity,’
For his part, Morocco’s ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Samir Addahre, focused on the multiple facets of the Moroccan plural identity fed by many tributaries and peace values, tolerance and openness.
Noteworthy that Belgium has a large Muslim community of about 700,000 people which is mainly concentrated in the city of Brussels.