In an interview with the French daily Le Figaro, the new president of the French Muslim Council (CFCM), Annouar Kbibech called on Muslims in France to be more open to non-Muslims and to more pedagogy to fight against Islamophobia.
The successor to Dalil Boubaker who condemns the attack on the Thalys in which a Moroccan national was involved, does not hide his fears about the links of cause and effect that may be drawn. He expressed concern as to the “stigmatization by French citizens of Muslim faith.”
Indeed after the attack, the Muslims of France have woken up to the news of an arson attack that ravaged the mosque of Auch in the Gers.
Faced with the rise in Islamophobia, Annouar Kbibech says that in addition to politics that have a responsibility, “when speaking of an alleged third world war […] they contribute to fueling anti-Muslim feelings”, “Muslims of France also have a teaching duty.
To prevent amalgams, they have to explain the real values of Islam. It is on the soil of ignorance that violence grows. We must defuse the field. We must inform and explain what Islam is all about. “
To this effect, Annouar Kbibech announced the opening during the Heritage Days of mosques to non-Muslims and organizing interfaith events.