The Council of the Moroccan Community abroad organizes a meeting in Palma de Mallorca the 11th and 12th of september 2015. The goal of the CCME’s working group « Administration and public Policy » is to examine the results of a study on the moroccan community in the Balearic Islands.
The study stresses to analyse one of the oldest moroccan community in Spain living in the spanish islands known for their tourism. But hitten by the world finance crisis like many places in the world where tourism is the main economical activity. The goal of the study is to have a better idea of the way of living of the moroccan community in those islands, and « get closer
to the moroccan civil society who lives on the islands » announces the working group.
The CCME’s working group will have several meetings with the moroccan community, including the moroccan consulat in the Mallorca town-hall and the government of the Islands.
During those meetings the group focused his work on migration, islamophobia and integration.
More than 40.000 people of moroccan origin live in the Balearic Islands.CCME