The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) organized on Thursday, 10th March 2016, a press conference to present three new studies: “Social protection of Moroccan immigrants – France”, “The social protection of Moroccan immigrants – case of Spain “and” the Moroccan immigration in the Balearic islands (Spain)”.
Mr Abdelhamid El Jamri, CCME member, said at the conference, that the Moroccans in Spain suffer the effects of the financial crisis and are subject to tighter laws, particularly regarding the right of residence.
As for Moroccans Balearic Mr. El Jamri said that this community has tripled in the last decade and that agriculture and tourism are the main industries in which they work. Their demands have also changed: worship is a major expectation. The book notes the weakness of the religious guidance while the Balearic Islands have more than 40 mosques.
These works, have been realized by the working group of the CCME “Administration rights of users and public policy,” The main objective is to give the opportunity to Moroccan researchers, institutions, journalists … to have access to relevant information and work tools on the Moroccan community abroad, particularly labor migration through analyzes, statistics and updated data.
The three studies published are:
“Social protection of Moroccan immigrants: Moroccan retirees in France: prospects? – For France. The objective of this study is to support public policies for Moroccan immigrants in France to preserve their rights and the optimal conditions of a social life and to help Morocco or France, for a better coordination of security systems. The study was conducted with the assistance of Mr. Marcel Royez, social expert consultant.
“Social protection of Moroccan immigrants – case of Spain”: The objective of this study is to deepen the understanding on the different social protection mechanisms that can help the Moroccan community in Spain. The social security system in Spain is quite complex, each autonomous community has its own social protection system. How to facilitate and protect the position of Moroccan workers? What are the recommendations for a new conventional approach to the issue of social protection of Moroccan immigrants in Spain? These are the main issues examined by this study. It was conducted by the research team of the University Complutense of Madrid by Juan Ignacio Castien Maestro, Director, and Ángel Arias Dominguez and Kayamba Tshishi Ndouba.
“The Moroccan immigration in the Balearic Islands”: Moroccans are the largest foreign community in the Balearic Islands (24 176) 23 666 identified before Germans and British citizens. A better knowledge of the Moroccan community living in the Balearic Islands is the main objective of this study. This is an analysis-diagnosis of the Moroccan community, its economic and social conditions of life and its community known for its dynamism.This study was made by Jaime Bueno Pardo research team, Luiz José Reina Segura and Boulharrak Mustafa Al Idrissi.
Read Studies
– ” Social protection of Moroccan immigrants – case of Spain ”
– ” Social protection of Moroccan immigrants : Moroccan retirees in France : prospects? – For France