The caravan MIPAI (The Moroccan Intelligence and Public Affairs Institute) carrying the torch “Light Us”, arrived in Marrakech, Wednesday, November 9, 2016. The project is backed by the Council for the Moroccan Community living Abroad.
Zacharia Saha, Ayoub and Makhloufi Manal Ali Jiar and their friends presented the torch “Light Us” and the convoy of electric vehicles during a press conference.
The young resarchers, said they were grateful the Council for the Moroccans Living Abroad (CCME) thanked its Secretary General Mr. Abdellah Boussouf for his contribution to the project’s success.”
The Council pledged for its part to support the Moroccan youth living abroad for their contributions in promoting Morocco.
An exhibition of the torch “Light Us” and the electric vehicles, is taking palce in the Kennedy square in Marrakech.