The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) recently organized a three-day pedagogical workshop around the « History of Morocco as a melting pot of migrations », in partnership with the associations SENS (Solidarity Exchange North South) in Bordeaux) and AKHIAM IMILCHIL.
These apprenticeship workshops, are part of the cultural mediation around the knowledge of migratory flows in the areas of origin of the Moroccans living abroad, benefited 160 students from the two schools of the region.
The youngsters and the teaching staff will thereafter continue this work through the writing of the stories of the migrants of the region.
Mr. Youssef Haji, responsible for issues of “identities, cultures and education” at the CCME, held a meeting with the youth of the « Douars » of the Imilchil valley in order to guide the youngsters to create a youth council related to the youths of the Moroccan diaspora and especially those of the region of Aquitaine in France.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the CCME provides additional funding for the organization of the Forum for International Solidarity Organizations from Migrations (Forim) to partner associations for the Hydroponic barley in Imilchil. This project is meant to help the most vulnerable families affected by climate change.