The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) took part to a round table on the « role of Moroccan cultural operators living abroad in national cultural development” Friday, November 24, 2017 at the Villa des Arts in Rabat. The meeting was organized within the “Visa for music” festival, held under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.
Mr. Youssef Haji, from the CCME highlighted the added value of the Moroccan cultural actors living abroad in the promotion of the Kingdom. “The Moroccans of the world with their sportsmen, creators and intellectuals are indispensable to Morocco’s cultural evolution ,” he said on behalf of Mr. Boussouf, Secretary General of the CCME.
For his part, Mr. Brahim Mazned, founder of the festival “Visa for music”, pointed out that since the creation of the festival, the CCME has been a promoter of culture ever since it’s establishment in 2007.
Mr Mohammed Sidrine, director of the association “6th Continent”of the onymous festival of the Intercultural Space of Guillotière in Lyon and Habib Dechraoui, director of the festival arabesque of Montpellier agreed on the fact that: “At the CCME, we meet people who have experience in migration » which is very helpful.
Visa For Music, created in 2013, is the first festival of music in Africa and the Middle East. « The Festival gathers and organizes the social, institutional and economical forces around themes for the development of the region. It is a showcase for the african musical identity and gives an opportunity for artists to the Continent to be known by professionals all around the world through showcases and meetings ».