« The Moroccans of the world in plural societies » is the theme chosen by the Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (CCME) for it’s 8th attendance at the 24th edition of the International Exhibition of Books and Publishing which takes place in Casablanca (SIEL). The Council will mainly focus on the challenges and the opportunities of the Moroccans living abroad.
Writers, researchers, artists and intellectuals from Mororro and the rest of the world will attend this edition. A particular interest will be given to inventive young Moroccans, to better understand their concerns in their host countries. But also on how they can contribute to build an atmosphere in which cultural, religious and linguistic diversity can become a source of peace and mutual understanding through their contributions.
The Council’s structure will host authors and debates on migration, plural societies, through their literary productions or their work on migration to clarify these important issues.
This edition of the International Book and Publishing Fair is also a unique opportunity for the CCME to put forward it’s own works to the public.