The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) Saturday, February 10, 2018 at the Casablanca Book Fair, the presentation of the book “miserable money” written Moroccan-Italian Mr. Hamid Bichri. Puublished in 1995 in Italian, the book was recently published by the CCME.
The story tells the story of the daily lives of Moroccans in Italy and gives answersto about their lives and raises the question of integration into the Italian society.
“Immigration can become synonymous with happiness, independence and comfort but also be synonymous of loneliness; because when one is far from one’s country one lives comfort, “says Mr. Bichri, member of the CCME.
“If immigration was for the Moroccans a discovery of a more modern and comfortable life, it also raised questions among Italians, who in turn discovered a new and different community.
Mr. Aziz Rifki, CCME Project Manager introduced and moderated the debate.
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