The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) and the “Diwan” editions, in partnership with the cultural Association for Development Cooperation “Xenia”, organize on Friday, May 25, 2018, a Moroccan-Spanish conference on ” the weight of literature in the cultural harmony between Morocco and Spain “at the Eugenio Trías library during the Madrid Book Fair.
This conference focuses on Moroccan literary creations and aims to bring together the public of both countries to the works of Spanish-speaking Moroccan writers,
Two round tables are scheduled for conference: a critical reading of the different aspects of Moroccan literature in the Spanish language. Authors, academicians and experts from Morocco and Spain will take part to this roundtable. The second meeting will debate around the creations of Spanish-speaking Moroccan writers and those of Spanish writers interested in Morocco.
Several Spanish and Moroccan writers will take part to this meeting, among them Abderrahmane Fatihi, Ahmed Mghara, Abdelkader Chaoui, El Hassane Arabi, Ferando de Agreda, Leonor Merino, Najat El Mzouri Chekroune, Hicham Jamal and Driss Alouch.
On the sidelines of this conference, an exhibition of literary works by Moroccan and Spanish writers will take place.