The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) conceives the teaching game « Islam in us » (in French and English) with the purspose to help the young generations of moroccan muslim migrants living abroad, learn the values of authentic Islam, based on the Moroccan heritage defined by tolerance and respect “.
Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, the secretary general of the CCME said in his announcement : “The game is aimed to help young people and Moroccan children living abroad to respond to questions asked to them after a terrorist act and when Islam is fired upon”. He added that the purpose of this production is to chase away all forms of stereotypes and fears about Islam.
The approach of this game is substantially pedagogical, considering the lack of educational productions about Islam on the market, pursued the secretary general, explaining that the goal is to give tools to the Moroccan youngsters living abroad with a knowledge of the Muslim religion that rejects all forms of violence, extremism and terrorism through their behavior and their relations allongside their fellow citizens in the societies where they live.