The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) takes part to the 25th edition of the Casablanca, International Book Fair (SIEL), from February 8 to 17, 2019. “The Moroccan culture beyond borders”is the theme chosen by the council for this edition.
During a press conference at the Council in Rabat, Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the CCME, called for a genuine on culture to strenghten Morocco’s relations with its communities living abroad.
He said , the time has come to establish a Cultural Agency bringing together the cultural actors and the institutions working on the image of Morocco abroad in order to strengthen the presence of the Moroccan cultural fundamentals in the world : “Today’s world needs cultural and religious diversity which is intrinsic to the Moroccan culture and should be mirrored in our creations”.
More than 200 Moroccans from around the world are taking part to this event. And the CCME will present 15 works and studies that show the vitality and the creativity of the Moroccans living abroad.
Mr. Boussouf also said during the press conference, that the event was of great importance, because its goal is “to deconstruct stereotypes on migrants”.
The secretary general,praised the commitment of the Moroccans living abroad for their devotion to the Moroccan culture through their creations and contribution to promote the image of Morocco in their countries of residence.
The CCME, has 6 arenas of exchange at the International Book Fair: “the meetings of the Agora”, ” debates on topics related to the migration and the Moroccan culture in the world”, “Course”, a sequence to highlight success stories within the Moroccan community abroad; “the Literary hour”, a platform with writers, poets, essayists and academics, “CCME Publications”, an intellectual meeting where the CCME 2018-2019 collection will be presented, followed by a signing session.
The matinees will exclusively be dedicated to the youngsters.