Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) chaired, on Monday 25 July 2022 at the Council’s headquarters in Rabat, a consultation meeting to address the issue of the participation of Moroccan medical skills abroad in the development of the healthcare system in Morocco. This encounter, attended by several Moroccan doctors and professors from various countries, was held within the framework of the dynamics of the national healthcare project under the high instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, reflecting the framework law presented by the Minister of Health and Social Protection on the national healthcare system.
In his speech, Mr. Boussouf explained the importance of the health sector in the independence of the countries, a fact that was affirmed by the Covid-19 pandemic, mentioning the dynamics that the national health system has been experiencing recently, whose purpose is to complete the great royal project of generalizing social coverage to all Moroccan citizens.
In this sense, the Secretary General of the CCME highlighted the opportunity for Morocco to be able to count on its medical skills residing in countries that have allowed them to accumulate expertise in several fields, which is combined with their desire to contribute to the development of the sector in their mother country.
An indefectible civic commitment that has not been altered by the challenges faced by medical professionals around the world, nor by the competitiveness of these countries in providing the best conditions of practice. This event is the start of a series of consultation meetings designed to draw up an opinion on how the world’s medical skills can contribute to the development of the country’s health system, in which the CCME is making use of its capacity to listen to and bring together the various players’ ideas in order to establish efficient and effective public policies in this area.
The CCME exercises its ability to listen to and gather ideas from various parties in order to define efficient and effective public policies in this field, able to respond to the needs of this reform and determine the conditions that will allow Moroccan executives from abroad to work in Morocco, either in the public or private sector, within the context of medical caravans, exchanges of experience, organization of training cycles, and the mobility of skills for their temporary or permanent installation in the country.
Mr.Boussouf also called on institutions and officials of the healthcare sector to benefit from the expertise of the Moroccan medical skills from abroad, not only in the medical field but also by involving them in the governance and the sector’s management, given their expertise at the international level.
During this meeting, physicians from Morocco, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain and the United States explained the difficulties they face in returning to Morocco to exercise their profession. The main cause is the financial lack or absence of motivation, as well as the difficult conditions of practice in Morocco as compared to the opportunities afforded by the host countries.
However, the participants were all optimistic about the measures in the framework law on the health system and their desire to contribute more to this national project, either through their associations or within the framework of the bodies set up by the state to carry out this reform. They offer their support for humanitarian actions, to supervise and train doctors practicing in Morocco and to be part of the institutions set up for the governance of the sector.
This meeting was attended by Dr Tayeb Hamdi, physician in Morocco, Vice President of the National Federation of Health FNS, Dr Mina Rhouch, general practitioner, member of the CCME, practicing in Spain, Dr Aziz Amar, anesthesiologist, founding member of the association AMDAM, Medical association for the development between Auvergne and Morocco and founding partner of the multidisciplinary clinic Pasteur-Rabat (France/Morocco), Doctor Samir Kaddar, anesthetist, president of the association C3M, Moroccan medical skills abroad (Belgium), Professor Samira Fafi Kremer, doctor of pharmacy, working at the laboratory of Medical Virology of the University Hospitals of Strasbourg (France), Doctor Khalid Djeriri, physician (France), Doctor Mohamed Rkina, obstetrician-gynecologist (France), Doctor Mourad Aberkan, General practitioner (Germany), Dr Asmae Boutaleb, family doctor (Canada), Abdelhamid Benazzouz, neurobiologist and neurophysiologist (France) and Dr Mohamed Boutjdir, Director of the Cardiovascular Research Department and Professor at New York University.