A delegation of collective actors and representatives of a Group of Moroccan parties in Europe visited the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, where they were received by Mr Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary-General of the Council.

 The meeting focused on the issue of the Moroccan community’s political participation abroad, as the group of representatives and organizers of a range of Moroccan parties from the majority and the opposition in a number of European bodies stressed the need to activate the Moroccan community’s political participation abroad in national interests, as stipulated in the Constitution.

CCME 2021 04

On his part, the Secretary General of the CCME who was also considered that the principle of the political involvement of the Moroccan community abroad is indisputable, as it is a constitutional principle, which only needs mechanisms, as well as a series of other constitutional dispositions, to be implemented. In this context, he stressed that the Moroccan constitution and the Royal speeches have guaranteed the political rights of the Moroccans living abroad.

Mr. Boussouf also outlined the approach of the Council’s work on the issue of political involvement and the conclusions of the meetings in which the political actors took part. Mr. Abdallah Boussouf welcomed the vitality of the Moroccan civil society in Europe in the area of rights and deplored the fact that the political actor in Morocco limited the issue of community political participation to a seasonal basis in the run-up to the elections. Despite the deep consensus and the necessary discussions to activate this participation between the different parties in order to reach the appropriate and feasible solution.

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