Raíces en Tampa will be staging a protest and awareness event this coming Friday, May 1, to cease the deportation of undocumented people in America. The upcoming Facebook event, will be from 6 p.m., at 1624 E. 7th Avenue in Ybor City, Florida.

On Friday, April 24, they held a conference to spread the word about the coming event and their cause to help workers get pay for overtime, safer work environments, child labor laws, anti-discrimination laws and equal pay.

According to Fight Back News, their event on April 24 leading up to the bigger May Day event included a press conference in front of the Ybor Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office while holding two banners: “May Day” and “Stop the deportations.”

“Immigrants risk everything in order to cross the border into the U.S. and to provide a better future for their families,” said Daisy Garcia of the Tampa community group Raíces en Tampa said, to Fight Back News. “We demand that President Obama end the record-high deportations and that the hold of DAPA be lifted!”

Students from the University of South Florida will be joining in as well. However, the event is open to the public to participate.



Source: Tampa News

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