A coalition of immigration activists, community organizers and unions are rallying around a comprehensive strategy to create millions of new Democratic voters by defending President Obama’s executive orders on immigration and helping illegal immigrants.

The Committee for Immigration Reform Implementation is training “navigators” and volunteers to connect and educate legal and illegal immigrants, and to register as many voters as possible who will support President Obama’s immigration policies.

In a series of power point presentations obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation, the coalition outlines their strategy to train volunteers who will then register voters, help illegal immigrants determine the best path to what could eventually be citizenship, and work to defend Obama’s executive orders on immigration.

A slide titled “Path To Power” breaks down the number of illegal immigrants, legal immigrants, naturalized citizens and citizens with foreign-born parents, and the percentage of each eligible for citizenship or who qualify for benefits under Obama’s executive orders:

These navigators would be similar to those trained to educate people about Obamacare in order to boost enrollment numbers and public support for the program.

This effort centers around defending Obama’s most recent executive order granting millions of illegal immigrants work permits, especially by flooding the system with applications. “Especially now, defending Administrative Relief [the executive orders] is critical,” one slide reads.

Navigators are told to host house meetings and info sessions, sign people up to vote, and encourage people to start saving money and documents they might need to gain benefits or legal status, consult with an immigration lawyer, share stories with the press and defend Obama’s executive orders.

More than 20 organizations are part of the coalition, including the AFL-CIO, Catholic Legal Immigration Network, SEIU, the American Bar Association Commission on Immigration, and Center for Immigration Studies.

Their goal is to “maximize the successful adjustment of status of eligible immigrants through legislation or executive action.”

Source: Daily Caller

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