The gathering of the international conference on “Moroccans of the world and the advanced regionalization” was launched Wednesday, July 27, 2016 at the House of Councillors in Rabat. The speeches unanimously called for the envolvement of the moroccans living abroad in the strategy of the advanced regionalization.
Mr Hakim Benchemass, the president of the Second Chamber said : « participatory democracy encourages us to involve Moroccans living abroad in the advanced regionalization. In his opening speech, he praised the Council for Moroccans living abroad (CCME) for its reactivity, as a constitutional institution, succeeding to the recommendations of the Parliamentary Forum of Regions organized last June 2016.
Mr Benchemass added: “The advanced regionalization is a nationwide project set up by the 2011 Constitution as a framework to the different strategies of social and economical evolution, and each region is led to explore its concrete wealth. Thus Morocco needs its human resources, whether in Morocco or abroad “. He also said that” this project, based on the principle of participatory democracy must necessarily involve Moroccans living abroad, who have always been ready to support sovereign national causes. “
In his intervention Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, the secretary general of the Council of the Moroccans living abroad (CCME) said: “the expertise of the Moroccans living abroad is an essential tool for a successful project of the advanced regionalization.
Mr. Abdellah Boussouf added that “the Council deals with great interest on the project of advanced regionalization since the identity of the Moroccan citizen, in Morocco or abroad, is closely linked to the region.” He further described the relationship of the Moroccans living abroad with their “homeland” as ” a metaphysical one” and “a deeply committed sense of attachment”.
Mr. Boussouf also said that “the aim of this meeting is to consider how the moroccans living abroad can be active in the field of advanced regionalization in countries where they live for the simple reason, that they have accumulated significant experience in several areas and can be very helpful significant to the success of this project. “
For his part, Mr. Cherki Draiss, Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Interior said that “the goal of the advanced regionalization consists to improve the relationship between the Moroccans living abroad and their country of origin”.
In his speech, Mr. Cherki Draiss underlined the importance of the Moroccans living abroad in His Majesty’s speeches and his wish to invite them to participate in every issue dealing with Morocco.
He added that the “advanced regionalization is an exhaustive system that will involve all parts of the Country and lead each region to achieve the sustainable development goals “.
Mr. Anis Birou, Minister for Moroccans living abroad and Migration Affairs, said in his intervention: “His Majesty the King has implanted the moroccans living abroad as a national priority(…) a community being in almost all parts of the world, accumulating a unique experience,” he said.
He invited the leaders to “associate the Moroccans living abroad in the project of advanced regionalization and initiate dialogues at all levels”.
Mr. Abdeslam Seddiki, Minister of Employment and Social Affairs, pointed out for his part “the social dimension in the treatment of cases of Moroccans living abroad” adding that “several conventions have been signed with the countries of residence in cases like social protection and family allowances.”
The minister said that “Morocco signed more than 15 agreements with several host countries” adding that “his ministry intends to launch awareness campaigns for Moroccans living abroad to inform them on their rights. “
Mr. Mohand Laenser, the leader of the “Association of Presidents of Regions” , considered that realizing the advanced regionalization will greatly improve the services for Moroccans living abroad”
He also invited the leaders “to integrate migration and Moroccans living aboad in every sovereign project dealing with Morocco, because they are deeply attached to their places of origin.”
The Belgian-Moroccan Deputy and President of the Brussels Regional Parliament, Fouad Ahidar who was among the speakers of the opening session called for the political participation of Moroccans of the world and their involvement in national and regional projects. He also welcomed “the expected contributions of the Project of advanced regionalization that will bring the citizens to participate to the decision making.”
Mr Ahidar further said: “We need Morocco and Morocco needs us to confront the Islamophobia and terrorism and we need to reconnect with our roots”.
The meeting is focused around three issues: the prerogatives of local and regional authorities on migration issues; moroccans living abroad and the prominent role of regions in connection with the departments, national and regional institutions concerned on the migrationissue ; advanced regionalization, rights of Moroccans living abroad, and the reinforcement of their cultural and economic ties for development of their region of origin.