The “Aghbal for Development and Solidarity” Association organized in partnership with the “dialogue” Association in the Netherlands and the council of the Moroccan community abroad “CCME” a forum with the theme “The countryside: Memory, immigration and innovation” on days 24, 25 and 26 July 2015 in the Municipality of Midar , Driouch region.

According to a statement by the organizers, this meeting falls within the framework of contributing to the revitalization of the rural cultural life, and pricing of local and national intangible cultural heritage and ensure its promotion, as well as spreading the values ​​of citizenship and pride of belonging by strengthening the links of Moroccans residing abroad with their country of origin.

The first and second sessions of the first axis for “Countryside: memory and history” were marked by seven interventions which focused on the cultural, geographical and cultural aspects of the Rif region and its relationship with the Mediterranean region.

While the second day tackled in the third axis of the forum: “Memory and migration” where speakers discussed a number of relevant issues affecting Moroccans abroad, and ways to include Moroccan competencies abroad in the promotion of local development in the framework of the expanded regionalization project, and the achievement of active citizenship in the host country.

Faced with the challenge of Moroccan youth at risk of extremism, it has prompted the need for cooperation between Morocco and the host countries for the optimal management of the religious field to Moroccan world.

The fourth session was a round table, to which took part overseas Moroccan competencies, as well as intellectuals of the countryside where they discussed the theme: “the Moroccan community abroad between maintaining the identity and the challenges of integration.”

The Forum concluded its proceedings by holding sessions for creative readings; poetry and short stories by a group of poets and storytellers from inside and outside of Morocco

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