Mr Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) and Mr Mohamed Salem Cherkaoui, President of Bayt Mal Al Qods Acharif Agency, inaugurated on Wednesday 27 July 2022 in Rabat, the exhibition “Al Qods and Palestine in the Correspondences and Speeches of the Commander of the Faithful”.

The exhibition, held at the Agency’s offices during the Throne Day celebrations, “implements Morocco’s strategic choice, under the High Royal Directives, to achieve peace,” Mr. Boussouf said.

Constantly present in His Majesty the King’s mind, “Al Qods and Palestine have been mentioned in 17 throne speeches and in more than 400 Royal letters and speeches, from more than thirty cities worldwide and from eight Moroccan cities. His Majesty also mentioned more than 17 times in his speeches the question of the inter-Palestinian reconciliation”, explains the CCME Secretary General.

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 ” Being always at the first line in defending the Kingdom’s major interests in host societies, Moroccans around the world need to be provided with knowledge on the Palestinian issue, which has become, alongside the Moroccan Sahara issue, a national issue, ” he added.

Mr. Boussouf further stressed that the issue of Palestine is a priority for Morocco through history, from a moral, ethical and human perspective rather than as a political matter. In this sense, he recalls the conference held in 2018 by the CCME, which brought together nearly 250 Moroccans of Jewish faith from countries worldwide, under the motto of working towards peace in the Middle East, while preserving the Rights of each side.

The opening of this exhibition was attended by Mr. El Mustapha El Ktiri, High Commissioner for Former Resistance Fighters and Former Members of The Liberation Army, Mr. Abdelilah Bouzidi, President of the Agdal-Ryad district council and representatives of the Palestinian Embassy in Rabat.





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