When speaking at the meeting of religious leaders of Europe in Brussels on Tuesday 16 June, the Chief Rabbi of Brussels considered that Morocco is a good example in tolerance and the living together.

“You see a synagogue, a church, a mosque in mutual respect, I think that the opening and tolerance and acceptance of the other make Morocco an example follow, “.

“You know when you go to Morocco, no politician is talking about living together but the living together in Morocco is happening everyday, “said Albert Guigui.

“Building together” instead of “living together”

At the press conference attended by religious leaders, Albert Guigui highlighted the concerns of European about the rise of the extreme right, “right-wing extremists in the European parliament should worry us because they oppose the democratic values ​​of Europe. “


Thus, Albert Guigui advocates to change certain concepts, as the living together, “we should switch the word” living together “, with” building together “. Because I can live with my next door neighbor for four years without knowing him, saying hello to him every day. But what is important today is to have common projects in which we try to meet the challenges together “.

How do we make a jihadist?

According to the Chief Rabbi of Brussels, the case is “simple, it’s a young person who lives in Europe, a Muslim, who knows nothing of his religion and he feels uprooted. He then stumbles upon internet articles that make him a hero. Thus it’s from our own communities that terrorists come out. “

Faced with this scourge, Albert Guigui advocates strengthening the moderate religions in Europe, “to give young people of our countries an experience, a memory. Try to give them this religious dimension they lack , a religious dimension  which is open, tolerant and I think this is one of our responsibilities, as religious leaders and it is also the responsibility of politicians. “

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