The Council of the Moroccan Community living abroad (CCME), in partnership with the German Goethe Cultural Institute and the European Council of Moroccan Ulemas, will meet on Tuesday 26 September 2017 in Frankfurt to show the results of the language training project and culture for Moroccan imams in the German Land of Hessen (2015-2017).

Supervised, by Mr.Mustapha Al-Mourabit, advisor to the CCME Secretary General, the project is to set out workshops for imams concerned and affected with cultural communication and Muslim youth in Germany, as well as preventive work, collective action, politics and law.

Mr Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the CCME, believes, for his part, that this project is a constructive result of the work of the Council as it concerns Muslims and Moroccans in Europe. Especially the aspect related to the issue of imams, the language and the culture of the community in which they work. “The linguistic and cultural constituent of the German imams in Hessen is a first step,” Mr Boussouf said, adding that further steps would follow once this experience is evaluated.

This meeting is taking place in the aftermath of a cooperation agreement between the three institutions with Brussels in January 2015 for the application of the project “cultural training of imams” in Europe.


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