The Moroccan Association “Environment and Education”  (AMAE) in partnership with the Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) and the Center for Studies on Migration and Intercultural Relations (CEMRI), are organizing on Monday 16 October 2017 in the Spanish city of Almeria a conference on “The threats of terrorism in Europe and islamophobia”.

Terrorist attacks in Europe , since 2015 and the latest ones in Barcelona and Cambrils in Spain,  claimed hundred of innocent lives regardless of the origin or confession. Still,the Muslim community in Europe is doubly victim of this barbaric ideology: ostracized because of their confession and victims as European citizens of the terrorist attacks
“This meeting is part of the mission of the Council of the Moroccan community abroad. Our efforts are combined with the political, academic, cultural and associative bodies of the host countries to battle  against this plague and  say yes to living together and coexistence. The purpose of the conference is to debate about terrorism and its consequences on the Muslim community in Europe, especially in Spain. It’s ambition is to provide proposals and concrete actions that can be taken by Spain and Morocco on how to move forward to face our shared challenges “said Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, the Secretary General of the CCME.
The Three Cultures Foundation, the OCP Policy Center, experts in terrorism and conflict, lawyers, psychologists, media, civil society actors and researchers will also participate to the conference.


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