By Mohamed Saâd BOUYAFRI (MAP)

Rabat – An effective public policy towards Moroccans living abroad (MRE) is a strategic necessity that allows to mobilize skills and strengthen the roles that this category is called to play in the development of the Kingdom, said the Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), Mr. Abdellah Boussouf.

In an interview with the Moroccan Press Agency (MAP) on the occasion of the national day of the migrant, celebrated on August 10 each year, Mr. Boussouf recalled that the report of the Special Commission on the Development Model (CSMD) has highlighted several important topics in which Moroccans abroad can contribute their expertise to participate in the development of the nation.

The commission has made proposals regarding the policy of attracting highly qualified Moroccans from around the world operating in advanced sectors, such as ICT, biotechnology or renewable energy, or the establishment of a Moroccan agency for cultural action abroad, said Boussouf.

Taking into account their presence in more than 100 countries around the world, the Moroccans living abroad are, as the Report emphasizes, bridges between Morocco and international markets, he added, noting that their roles in the economic and cultural influence of Morocco are indisputable but remain little exploited.

That is why, “an effective and rational public policy towards Moroccans living abroad remains a strategic necessity in order to implement the strategies aimed at mobilizing skills and strengthening the roles attributed to the Moroccans living abroad to better participate in the development of our country,” said Mr. Boussouf.

The CSMD reiterates in its report the importance the implementation of constitutional provisions, for a better representation of our diaspora, especially through the strengthening of the role of the CCME, which has developed, he said, a scientific know-how on all issues related to the Moroccan community abroad in its diversity.

This know-how, the CCME puts it at the disposal of all public actors for the implementation of a rational and effective public policy towards Moroccans abroad, he assured.

“The CCME has accumulated over the years a considerable experience that allows it to be the link between the skills of Moroccan immigrants and the various institutions interested in their contribution, whether public or private sector,” he said.

The CCME has also conducted a study in partnership with the European polling institute IPSOS on the issue of discrimination as seen by young people from six major european countries, announced the secretary general, stating that the study that covers several aspects on Moroccan youth in Europe will be shortly published.

In the context of the health crisis and in accordance with its competences, the CCME has closely monitored the situation of the MRE and the various problems they face in order to develop proposals for solutions, said the SG of the Council, specifying, in this sense, that recommendations of a social, administrative, economic and religious have been proposed by the CCME.

In addition, Mr. Boussouf explained that through its digital platform Awacer TV, the Council ensures cultural and religious links with Moroccans around the world. The platform offers a rich and diverse programming and daily debates with the participation of several actors of the Moroccan emigration in all fields.

The secretary general also described the initiative of HM King Mohammed VI to facilitate the return to the country of Moroccans in the world at affordable prices as “historic and unique in the world”.

Addressing the support of Moroccans abroad to their country of origin, Mr. Boussouf explained that despite the considerable impact of the crisis on the Moroccan community, the transfers of Moroccans abroad have thwarted international forecasts by recording nearly 70 billion dirhams in 2020 and more than 44 billion dirhams in the first 6 months of the current year.

“This is another inspiring story in terms of national commitment and unconditional attachment to the origins written by Moroccans living abroad,” said the Secretary general of the Council.


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