Strasbourg  – The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe awarded its 2014 prize to André Azoulay, Advisor to King Mohammed VI and outgoing President of the Anna Lindh Foundation.

The Lisbon-based centre also awarded the prize to Sister Doctor Maura Lynch, Irish surgeon and obstetrician of the Medical Missionaries of Mary.

The Prize will be presented by the Portuguese President at Portugal’s parliament in May 2015, Jean-Marie Heydt, President of the Centre told MAP.

The North-South Prize has been awarded every year since 1995 to two candidates who have stood out for their exceptional commitment to promoting North-South solidarity.

The candidates are usually distinguished for their contribution to promoting human rights, defense of pluralist democracy, public awareness raising on issues of global interdependence and solidarity as well as strengthening North-South partnership.

Azoulay is the second Moroccan personality to receive this distinction after former Prime Minister Abderrahman Youssfi in 1999.

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