Addis-Ababa – HM King Mohammed VI stressed, on Monday in Addis-Ababa, the importance of laying out a common African Vision on migration and the related stakes and challenges.

“As the Leader who, at the 28th AU Summit, was put in charge of the question of migration, I intend to submit a paper focusing on the need to lay out a common African Vision on migration and the related stakes and challenges,” HM the King said in a speech addressed to the 29th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU).

“What we need to do, above all, is to change our perception of migration and see it not as a constraint or threat, but as a positive element,” HM the King underlined in the speech, delivered by HRH Prince Moulay Rachid, who represented the Sovereign in the Summit.

HM the King added that migration has always been a factor of rapprochement between peoples and civilizations.

Noting the fact that “addressing the challenge of migration requires an innovative approach that allows us to assess its causes and impacts and to consider possible solutions, above all by creating synergies between development plans and migration policies,” HM the King called for developing an African Agenda on this question that includes a “common vision of the ways and means of dealing with the question of migration, both within our continent and in international forums.”

“Africa is losing its youths to legal and illegal migration. There is no way such a loss can be justified. Should our young people’s fate be at the bottom of the Mediterranean? Should their mobility become a hemorrhage? Certainly not! I think it is up to us to deal with this issue properly in order to make it an asset,” HM the King affirmed.

“A New Africa will make the most of its potential since our continent boasts tremendous assets. Morocco wants to contribute to the emergence of that New Africa,” the Sovereign said, expressing His conviction that Africa can turn the challenges it is facing into genuine prospects for development and stability.

African population growth, African institutions, migration and youth issues are opportunities we should leverage together, HM the King noted, stressing that “Africa must resolutely look to the future and rely mostly on its own means.”

“We owe this to our peoples. We owe it to our youths. The promise of a better, more prosperous future should no longer be an empty slogan or mere wishful thinking. It is our duty to match words with action for the sake of our future generations – for the sake of a New Africa,” HM the King said.


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