In the first quarter of 2015, Austria saw the third-largest increase in the number of asylum seekers in the European Union. Up to 370 applications are registered daily, nearly half of which are from Syrians and Afghans.

In light of this surge, Refugees Welcome, an initiative founded in Germany nine months before it was introduced in Austria this year, aims to improve living conditions for asylum seekers and refugees.

Many people who work with asylum seekers in Austria say the issue is not just a financial and resource problem, they point out the inadequate care provided in the overpacked receptions centers.

Today, thanks to this initiative, more than 70 asylum seekers and refugees have been placed in flatshares across Austria and Germany, with more countries to follow.

The family and friends of the host often help raise the rent money for the additional person, however, donations given to Refugees Welcome or government allowance to asylum seekers may be used to help pay for the cost.

But the real challenge for activists is integrating those granted asylum in Austria, they call on the Austrian government who does not do enough to help with this matter.

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