The 11th training session for teachers teaching Arabic was held in Barcelona on February 8 and 9, 2025. The event was organized by the High Cultural Commission of Muslims of Catalonia in partnership with the Moroccan Ministry of Habous and Islamic Affairs and the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME).

 Mr Abdelkrim Latifi, President of the Federation of the High Cultural Commission of Muslims of Catalonia, declared that the teaching of the Arabic language should adopt modern teaching techniques and be backed up with academic studies in accordance with the latest developments in educational science.

Meanwhile, Bárbara Ferrer Escobar, deputy mayor of Santa Coloma town council, in charge of community life, citizenship, solidarity and cooperation, stressed the need to transmit knowledge and values to the next generation, especially young people and children. 

For his part, Charif Cherkaoui, the Consul General of the Kingdom of Morocco in Barcelona, praised the initiative, which is designed to provide high-quality training for Arabic language teachers.

Agustín Iglesias, head of the Catalan Government’s Directorate General for Religious Affairs, says that attention to education is one of the most important issues to be addressed. According to him, this issue needs to be addressed through developing schools and teaching staff.

Mr Jaouad Achakouri, in his role as representative of the CCME, said that Morocco is one of the leading countries when it comes to taking care of its communities. He referred to the 2011 Constitution, which dedicates five chapters to the question of immigration and the Moroccan community abroad. He also stressed the need to address the cultural issue to preserve the ties between Moroccans living abroad and their country of origin, and to enhance cultural diversity in their country of residence.

The 11th session included a series of training conferences, with practical exercises in skills and strategies for listening, as well as practical exercises in writing techniques.

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