Theo Francken, the Belgian Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration, apologized for his old racial statements against Moroccans, Algerians and Congolese immigrants.

Back in 2011, he wrote on his Facebook account that “I can figure the added value of Jewish, Chinese and Indian diasporas, but less that of the Moroccan, Congolese, or Algerian diasporas.”

At that time, not that many people noticed the racial slur. Nevertheless, the statement has reemerged recently, as he is now a Minister, and he was forced to apologize in front of the Belgian parliament.

The Guardian reported him saying the following: “I realize I hurt people by saying this. I never intended to. I want to present my sincere apologies. I can guarantee you that I will be a state secretary who defends the interests of all the people in this country, with a great respect for everyone.”


The Moroccan Times.

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