Belgian-Moroccan Hakima Darhmouch, Presenter of the “RTL info 19h” is the favorite news anchor of Belgians, according to a survey of Ipsos, with 44% approval rating.

“It’s very gratifying,” said Laurent Haulotte, editorial director of RTL, for whom the Belgian-Moroccan host “embodies the appointments of information from the private channel.”

“Over the years, Hakima was able to forge a strong bond with viewers,” he commended.

Born in Brussels in 1978, Hakima Darhmouch graduated from the Higher Institute of social education and communication (ISFSC). She makes her debut in radio through nostalgia and Bel RTL, before joining the RTL team in 1999. She then joined the editorial staff of RTL-TVI, as a reporter, in Belgium and abroad. She presented her first newscast on the channel in May 2006.

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