Rabat (MWN)- The General Consulate of Belgium in Casablanca will be closing its doors temporarily and reorganized for financial reasons, according to a press release issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belgium.

The reorganization of the General Consulate of Belgium in Casablanca is scheduled to be completed by 2016.

The General Consulate of Belgium in Casablanca is not the only diplomatic and consular representation of Belgium abroad that will be closed; several others in other parts of the world will be closed for the same reason.

The embassies of Belgium in Tripoli in Libya, Brazzaville in Congo, and the General Consulate in Johannesburg, South Africa, are also involved in the reorganization.

Belgium’s reorganization of its diplomatic representatives in several countries around the world is designed to rationalize its diplomatic network by taking into account objective studies.

“Structural reforms are necessary in order to serve the public interest in the federal Foreign Affairs Ministry of Belgium performing its missions within the context of financial stringency,” the press release concluded.

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