According to the results of the last « Social Barometer in Wallonia » published recently, immigrants have much more chances to be discriminated than non-immigrants in Wallonia, the French-speaking region in Belgium,

The survey, published by the Walloon Institute of Evaluation, Foresight and Statistics (Iweps) notes « while on average 15pc of non-immigrants reported having been discriminated against during the last twelve months, this proportion culminates at 27%for immigrants ».

The study, realized from March to June 2016 among a  sample of 1,410 persons also observes that 70% of Walloons believe that discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin is “very widespread” or “fairly widespread ” In Wallonia. Just after this observation comes the  discrimination on the basis of religion (considered to be widespread by 69%of the respondents) and physical appearance (59%).

For 60% of Walloons, access to employment is the area that is the most discriminating, far ahead of access to housing (19%).

There are however some ambiguities  while 74% of the respondents consider that discrimination against immigrants is a problem and 62% believe that they must have the same rights as other citizens, the majority approves Discriminatory behavior.

55% either « agree » or « somewhat  agree » with the assertion that, with equal qualifications and skills, employers must primarily hire non-immigrant workers. Equivalently, 54% consider that non-immigrants must be privileged in the allocation of housing and social assistance. 

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