A report by the Belgian inter-federal Centre for Equal Opportunities (UNIA) published on 24 February 2016 says that there has been a net increase in discrimination and hate speech in 2015: Nearly 404 cases of ” racist incitement against 338 in 2010″, notes the report.
The Unia affirms that since 2010 there is a constant progress to ” incitement to hatred and hate crimes “.
UNIA further states that “discrimination with racial criteria in 2015 (38% of cases in 2015 against 42% in 2014), disability (22% against 20% in 2014) and religious or philosophical beliefs (19% against 16% in 2014) adding, “the discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation represents 5% “
An analysis of the Belgian French speaking newspaper Le Soir, confirms that the discrimination linked to religion has increased in the last five years and that “Muslims are the main victims” (78%)
Read the Report (French)