Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) said, at the 63rd edition of the international book fair in Belgrade where Morocco is guest of honor, that “the Moroccan model in dealing of the religious question gives the answers to establish the coexistence of cultures and civilizations and respect for religions “.

Mr. Boussouf, said that the Moroccan model was constructed on solid foundations thanks to HM King Mohammed VI, Amir Al Mouminine, highlighting the efficiency of this model in a world of religious and intellectual conflicts and the rise of extremism and fanaticism.

The CCME official, further stated that the Moroccan model is needed at the regional and international level as a reference for the protection of spiritual security, recalling in this sense that the Kingdom has adopted the Maliki rite and the doctrine “asharite ” based on objectivity, open-mindedness, constructive dialogue and moderation in dealing with religious issues.

Mr. Boussouf also highlighted the importance of the Moroccan model for the world in order to preserve human values and ensure the reconciliation between people, stressing that many African and European countries have used the -moroccan- experience which was hailed by the international community because it reveals the true face of Islam as a religion of moderation, tolerance.

The Moroccan model, he continued, not only provides answers to religious questions, but also issues related to education, morality, knowledge, moderation, justice and solidarity prevail and defend its authenticity and identity. Adding, at the same time a peaceful society open to its environment.

Morocco participates in this international exhibition, to which more than 40 countries are represented, with a rich program and diversity, including the menu of conferences and meetings that will be led by academics, writers and poets.

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