The Franco Moroccan philosopher Ali Benmakhlouf held on Sunday, February 23, 2015 a conference on his latest book “Why read the Arab philosophers” at the CCME pavilion on the sidelines of the book fair and the edition which comes to an end today.

The book, according to Benmakhlouf is part of a project that aims to convey the Arab-Muslim culture and release restrictions imposed on it from the West it

After several years of work at the university, the professor of philosophy at the University of Paris-Est, realized that all studies on the Arab-Islamic philosophy have European references and no reference of Arab philosophy was to be found, “It’s what I am trying to overcome in this book in order to bring Arab philosophy to the forefront,” says Benmakhlouf.

Read the medieval Arab philosophers in the light of contemporary philosophy to find the affinities between method and doctrine, is the challenge raised by this book.

All in all, this book attempts to give visibility to the Arab philosophy and revive the Arab thinkers who through their thoughts took part in the emancipation of the human being.

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