Abdullah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan community abroad, called for the exclusion of what he termed the politicization of issues related to the Moroccan community abroad.

Speaking at a press conference held on Friday at the headquarters of the Council, Mr. Boussouf noted the limited role in time for the government, which requires intervention and a practical approach for the benefit of the community,” reprehending the ministry in charge of the Diaspora for its involvement in studies that “do not fall within its preoccupations but rather those of the council, “as he described in his address.

The Secretary-General of the CCME further stated: “If the government wants for the community abroad to participate in politics at the moment, why does it not move towards the adoption of the necessary legal arsenal especially that no other issue has the support of the opposition more than that of the community abroad.” Adding that: “It seems that there is some playing with the issue that should not be dealt with this way”

The issue of the Moroccan community abroad in the eyes of the Secretary-General of the CCME, “is not a sectoral issue and must live up to the rank of a national issue as serious thinking and consultation must go into it by a compilation of views and through evoking the situation locally and internationally, away from any politicization”, lists the speaker.

On the other hand, Mr. Boussouf said that “the Council’s involvement in the International Book Fair which will be held in Casablanca for the seventh time, aims to discuss the issues associated with migration and the community abroad in the Moroccan cultural space, by highlighting the global dimension of the Moroccan culture and involving the political and educational actors in order to integrate the Moroccan expatriates’ literature in school programs and educational courses.”

Boussouf added that the CCME is not culturally active in Morocco, but it seeks through regular participation in the International book and edition fair, under the theme “Immigration and the challenge of co-existence” to learn the constraints and major challenges faced by the Moroccans of the world in their countries of residence, especially with the growing cultural tensions that fuel extremist positions, whatever their source are.

These tensions adversely affect the Moroccan communities abroad and increase the severity of the complications faced, especially in some European countries,” says the Secretary General of the Council of the community abroad.

Boussouf confirmed, in the course of his speech, that “the state of peace is mostly the case in the relationship between Islam and the West; wars, but it formed exceptional moments in the history of the relationship between Islam and the West.” Based on that, Boussouf said that the International Book Fair “will be an opportunity to reveal the new releases of the council as well as those supported by the Council.”

The pavilion of the CCME in the International Book Fair will host a series of lectures and discussions where a number of thinkers and writers will debate on the subject of immigration, diversity, citizenship and coexistence, through discussing their intellectual productions in order to shed light on this prevailing issue, there will also be an exchange with the audience and discussions about the council’s own productions.

The program includes a gallery exhibition of the community in royal speeches aimed, according Boussouf, to “draw the attention of the government and other actors to the need to keep up with the government act and commensurate royal speeches.”

And for the first time, an atlas about the Moroccans of the world will be exposed and is aimed at anyone who is interested in the Moroccan diaspora providing this person with the quantitative data as well as the answer of how spread out the Moroccans in the world are, and in this regard Boussouf stated that “building public policies cannot be subject to the political mood or instantaneous approach, it has to be relying on field data and objective facts as well as a strategic approach serving both the interests of the community and the kingdom. “

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