The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), the European Council of Moroccan Ulemas and the German Goethe Institute, have signed on 15 January 2016, in the Belgian capital, Brussels, an agreement for the training of imams Germany on German language.

The agreement was signed by  M.Abdellah Boussouf, Mr. Khalid Hajji, Secretary General of the European Council of Moroccan ulemas and Susanne Höhn Director of the  Goethe Institute responsible for relations with the European Union.
This initiative implements a resolution of the first international meeting of the Council in May 2015 in Marrakech under the theme “the imam and the challenges of the European context”. 
This agreement  will give the opportunity to imams in Germany to improve their knowledge in the German language in order to better carry out their mission and contribute more effectively to the dialogue between religions and the construction of living together.

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