The mayor of Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, Françoise Schepmans, and the General Secretary of the Council for the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, launched « The Sculpture of Hope » Thursday 8 november 2016.
Accomplished in partnership with the CCME, the sculpture has been accomplished by Mustapha Zoufri a Belgian artist of moroccan origin , in memory of the victims of the Paris and Brussels attacks, on November 13th and March 22nd last year. Mr Mustapha Zoufri was initially preparing a sculpture to celebrate 50 years of Moroccan immigration in Belgium.
But the artist living in Molenbeek changed his mind and decided to make a huge scuplture made of steel in the name of hope and peace because since the attacks he took the decision to send out a message of hope through his sculpture in the name of the residents of Molenbeek who condemn terrorism.