To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Moroccan-Belgian labour agreements, a pictorial exhibition dedicated to the Moroccan immigration in Belgium opened on 20 December 2024 in Brussels.

Organised by the Moroccan Consulate General in Brussels, the exhibition, under the theme “Telling the story of migration in colour”, was inaugurated by Mohamed Ameur, the Moroccan ambassador to Belgium and the Luxembourg Grand Duchy, with Belgian and Belgian-Moroccan painters. Several prominent figures and representatives of the Moroccan community in Belgium took part in the ceremony.

Speaking at the event, Mr Ameur said the exhibition was the culmination of a year-long series on academic, cultural and artistic activities in Belgium and Morocco commemorating the 60th anniversary of Moroccan migration in Belgium. He added, the event saw a large variety of figures and personalities take part, contributing in their own way to celebrating this important moment in the history of both the Moroccan community in Belgium and friendly relations between the two kingdoms.

Hassan Touri, the Moroccan Consul General in Brussels, said the exhibition aims to provide an artistic approach to migration, along with other events organised by the Consulate this year, including film screenings on the subject.

As part of the event, participants exchanged thoughts and ideas with the artists, who introduced their paintings to the audience. The paintings reflected various themes and periods of Moroccan migration in Belgium, and the strong ties of Moroccans from around the world to their identity and culture.

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