The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) took part, from 21 to 23 March 2018 in the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences of Ain Chock in Casablanca, at the international symposium on “the logic and scope of economic models.

Ms. Ghislaine El Abid, CCME Project Manager, focused on the theoretical framework for the mobilization of the Moroccan skills of the world, since the Council’s establishment in 2007 has been looking since its creation in 2007 through its working group “scientific, technical and economic competences for solidarity development”.

She also presented the CCME book “Moroccan skills abroad: 25 years of mobilization policies”. And outlined that the issue of Moroccans living abroad needs from several economic, cultural and social approach. She futher said that « we must speak not only about mobilization of skills but also of mobility to facilitate their contributions to Morocco’s development.

The meeting was attended by scientists and economic specialists including former moroccan ministers and the President of the Foundation for Studies and Research on Development (FERDI), Mr. Patrick Guillaumont.

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