The opening of the photographic exhibition “On the footsteps of Leila Alaoui” took place, Thursday, October 5, 2017, at the gallery of the Mosque. The event is organized by the Leila Alaoui Foundation in partnership with the Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (CCME) and the Hassan II Mosque Foundation in Casablanca.

In her opening speech, Leila Alaoui’s mother, Ms Christine Alaoui red a message from a syrian refugee met by the artist in a refugee camp : “Leila Alaoui took pictures of the sadness of women and men disoriented in this refugee camp, which expressed her unconditional engagement and her determination to defend their causes … You left us orphans, but you gave us the strength to continue the path and defend those who only dream for a better world … “.

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Mr Youssef Haji, from the CCME and in charge of this event, praised the  commitment of the late Leila Alaoui to humanity and her courage to help the most vulnerable people, calling attention to the importance of holding this exhibition at the gallery of the Hassan II Mosque.

For his part Mr Mustapha Idbihi, the vice-president of the Leila Alaoui Foundation,  spoke with great emotion about his last meeting with Leila Alaoui in France, when they talked about  a project of a  feature  on Moroccan and foreign workers in the factories of a French automobile factory.

“Leila Alaoui was an artist who was devoted to the most vulnerable people. She was the first artist to talk about the defenseless of sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco, to help and defend them. And she was very concerned with the daily life of youngsters and irregular migration” added Mustapha Idbihi.

The  exposition “In the footsteps of Leila Alaoui” which takes place until 20 October 2017 at the gallery of the Hassan II Mosque  includes two themes : « Moroccans » and « No Pasara ».



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