On Tuesday, April 6, 2021, Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) and Mr. Karim Amor, President of “MeM by CGEM” (Moroccan Entrepreneurs of the World at the General Confederation of Moroccan Businesses), signed a cooperation agreement in Casablanca.

This agreement aims to federate the efforts of both institutions to mobilize Moroccan skills abroad to invest in Morocco and contribute to the economic development of the country.

Addressing the meeting, Boussouf said that patriotism and strong sense of attachment of Moroccans in the world are a strong advantage for Morocco in attracting international talent and exploring global markets, as shown in the Covid-19 pandemic crisis.

” Wealth is created through achieving regional development, which gives an important function to the Moroccan community because of its strong roots in its original regions. The engagement of young Moroccan investors worldwide with projects will be backed and mentored by the CGEM,” he explained.

In joining forces with the CGEM, the idea is not only to put Moroccans from abroad at the centre of the national debate on the economic development of the country, but also to support them at the regional level. Different financial mechanisms of support are in place. It is a question of ensuring the systematic involvement of all Moroccans, regardless of where they live.

For his part, Mr. Karim Amor said he was honored to join forces with the CCME “which for us represents, by its experience, a useful complement to our experience”. “As a representative of the private sector in Morocco and of Region 13, bringing together the country’s dynamic forces abroad, we are offering the MeMs the opportunity to show, by action, their desire to contribute to the Moroccan economy, in particular through business-to-business partnerships and the mentoring of experienced entrepreneurs”.

Enjoying a 14-year experience in the migration issue and the debates it raises both in Morocco and in the host countries and within the international bodies, the CCME will regularly provide its expertise to the CGEM, especially on the profile of Moroccan Entrepreneurs and Global High Potentials.

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